Trump Is Nothing But Malice

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It is deeply saddening and painful to watch Trump and his Gangster Squad literally dismantle everything that truly is good in this country with such disdain. I am knocked back by the shock of it all, feeling helpless to stop this wave of regression, repression, and revulsion that is Trump’s administration.

And let’s not forgot the truly disgusting and exploitative congressional republican parasites who endlessly feed on the poor and sick to line their own pockets.

This administration and the republican party are without morality, without compassion, without goodness, without common sense, without kindness, without direction to move our country ahead in a way that improves life for all of us. They only want to sell your future to make themselves and their donors wealthy now. Your kids, for their cash.

If you support this president, his cronies, or his congress, I question your perception of reality, your tolerance for such hateful people, and I question your character.